Beekeeping Tips for August
The colony’s growth is diminishing in numbers and the honey flow is coming to an end.
When bees stop producing honey, remove all honey supers. (Except one !) Remember to leave one full super of honey for the bees. This is what they will live on during the winter.
No more chance of swarming and the honey dearth will appear. Weaker colonies may get robbed of their honey so entrance reducers should be placed on weak colonies or move weak colonies to another bee yard.
The Varroa Mite levels are high now and an evaluation of Mite levels should be maintained during this time of year. If you determine mite levels are too high, a intergrated pest management (IPM) practice should be added to your list of beekeeping chores. A good product for Varroa mite treatment is Apivar.
Some colonies may need food and some small clusters may need additional frames of brood to increase bee numbers. Check for failing Queens and Re-Queen.
August Tips
- Remove Honey
- Remove empty supers
- Check for mites (medicate if needed)
- Feed weak colonies (Pollen & Syrup)
- Re-Queen bad Queens
- Equalize colonies
- Order More Queens
- Attend Bee Meetings
- Update “Bloom Calendar”