Nucleus Colonies (also known as nucs) are a valuable tool for the backyard beekeeper. Nucleus colonies contain 5 large brood frames instead of the 10 that is normal for a basic hive. These nuc colonies will house the queen and enough bees to maintain a small family and carry on regular hive operations. They do require more management than a regular size hive because they can outgrow their space quickly. Once the main honey flow is over and we still have plenty of summer (warm) weather, you still have time to set up a few nucleus colonies. There are many ways to make nucs (or splits). One of our favorites is to remove 3 frames of bees (capped brood) from a overcrowded colony. (Be sure to get some with capped brood, honey and pollen) Then add one frame of very fresh eggs ( 1 day old), this will allow the bees to make a new queen for the nuc. Be sure to put a lot of bees in the small colony to ward off a small hive beetle invasion. Feed the nuc until they are well established and the new queen has bees hatching – longer if needed to finished comb construction and storage of honey. Bee Well Honey has nuc woodenware ready to assemble for $ 43.95 plus tax.
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