Father’s Day is just around the corner and many of your fathers are beekeepers. So, I’d like to make a few suggestions of beekeeping gifts that would complete your Father’s Day shopping.
Start with a good book about Beekeeping and one that includes recipes so the entire family can enjoy your fathers honey at the table. I recommend The Beekeeper’s Bible.
Then add the Bee Hive Smoker Go Cork It Topper Stopper which is something that every beekeeper really needs so that we don’t set the woods on fire as we’re driving down the road! Believe it or not, but this has actually happened a time or two and caused horrific forest fires. Don’t be that guy! And, for only $6.99 it’s an inexpensive gift and one your beekeeper Father will love.
One of the cool things about shopping for beekeeper Fathers is the effort to try to find a gift that they normally don’t see anywhere, and one of the fascinating tools that I’ve discovered is the Multifunction Hive Scraper Tool With Wooden Handle.
It can be used for cleaning up old frames or scraping the top bars of beehives just a very good tool for a father to have that will enhance his ability as a Beekeeper.
Every beekeeper wants to have more beekeeping colonies. Unfortunately, sometimes the cost gets in the way of this dream. Some Beekeepers are able to catch wild swarms that fly by. If you purchase the Swarm Commander Swarm Lure Vials 5 Vials
, it will attract more honeybees to explore your fathers empty boxes therefore he could catch a swarm as it passes by which means free bees and
To top off your father’s wardrobe, buy him The Beefather Shirt
. This is a fun beekeeping shirt for your father, and it’s also a great conversation peace. He will love it!
Happy Father’s Day from Bee Well Honey!
I really don’t know why it took me 20 years to discover this but now that I’ve discovered it I thought I would share it with all my beekeeper friends.
So how many times have you been in a bee yard and needed to do something that required power?
I found this little compact generator that is like the best thing ever! Its made by Ryobi and it’s a 2300 Watt. What I like the best is it’s light and small but has the power to run any tool. It literally rolls around like a suitcase and it takes up no room in the truck and now if we need power in the bee yard or breakdown with a load of bees, all we do is start up this Ryobi generator and plug up our squirrel fan.
I love it!
I have found now that I have it and it is so light weight that I use it all the time now around the house and around the shop it’s easier to use sometimes than to run an extension cord.
Just one more tip that might make you more productive.
Check out my other Beekeeping Tips
All beekeepers search for ways to save money so they may enjoy their hobby to the fullest. I, too, fit into this category but have found it very challenging to find the perfect outfit for my situation.
I am in my bees almost daily and during the day I may be at the bank or the post office mailing queen bees etc., and I obviously can’t drag myself around all day in a sweaty bee suit.
I have found that there is a very easy solution to this problem and the best part it is cost effective. You may consider these 5.11 Tactical Taclite Pro Pants . I choose these for many reasons.
These pants have a nice stretch in the waist that allows full movement while bending over to work colonies and a nice baggy thigh cut that allows stepping up and down off trucks easily. They also so have nice big pockets where I can store my queens, hive tools and marking pens.
My favorite part is the phone pocket since wearing a phone holder is not preferred in the bee yard due to losing your phone or not allowing your bee jacket to fit snug around your waist. They are also extremely durable and come in lots of colors but I like the Kaki and Charcoal.
The very best part is it’s not a one use item like a bee suit, and you can wear these for any occasion. Just another way you can save money on your beekeeping gear.