So, how does all that beautiful raw, honey get into jars and on store shelves?
After we extract our honey, it is delivered to the bottling tanks.
Step 1: Straining Process
Due to consumer protection, we recommend you strain the honey in some way. We do not recommend filtering, we use these bag strainers to insure any unwanted particles are strained out but this still allows the good stuff like pollen particles to flow freely.
Step 2: Load In Bottling Tanks
The clean honey is then safely loaded into bottling tanks. Our raw honey is heated to 110 degrees – well under pasteurization temperature. Keeping our honey under pasteurization temperature ensures our honey maintains its healthy benefits.
Step 3: Bottling Dates Added to Jars
The FDA and USDA require bottling to have clearly marked bottling dates or lot numbers. We use a hand-held ink jet printer to label our jars.
Step 4: Labeling
We apply the USDA, FDA approved labels to our jars. We love this Advent labeler.
Step 5: Filling the Jars
Now its time to fill the jarswith honey. We use two machines.: the Fill Master from Dadant and the Swienty bottler.
Step 6: Labeling the Boxes
We label the outside of the boxes for shipping.
Step 7: Loading the Pallets
We load the boxes on pallets and properly label the pallets for distribution.
Step 8: Shipping
Pallets are checked in at our distribution warehouses and then loaded onto our trucks for distribution.
Our US DOT Certified Trucks have been inspected by FDA for safe distribution delivery to stores.
Step 8: Store Shelves
Our pure, raw, local honey on store shelves.