Beekeeping Tips for February
Beekeeping Tips for February The Queen still remains in the cluster and as the days become milder she begins to lay more eggs. The previous protein (Pollen Patty) is used

Beekeeping Tips for January
Beekeeping Tips for January During colder weather, the Queen is surrounded by thousands of worker bees. This is considered the “Winter Cluster”. You should not disturb this cluster, only open

Beekeeping Tips for November
These crisp mornings means we’re just beginning to enjoy all that fall has to offer. Beekeepers know that the cold weather means even less bee activity will send the honeybees

Beekeeping Tips for September
Beekeeping Tips for September Hive population continues to drop and Drones start to disappear. The Queen is laying fewer eggs. Some or all colonies may need feeding. Some or all

Beekeeping Tips for August
Beekeeping Tips for August The colony’s growth is diminishing in numbers and the honey flow is coming to an end. When bees stop producing honey, remove all honey supers. (Except

Beekeeping Tips for July
Beekeeping Tips for July This is a “Hot and Humid “month and the bees will cluster on the outside of the hive to cool off. They will continue to make

Beekeeping Tips for June
Beekeeping Tips for June Colonies that did not swarm will be boiling over with bees and the “Honey Flow” continues. Keep up swarm inspections and continue adding additional space as

Beekeeping Tips for May
Beekeeping Tips for May The hive is working at top speed. Beekeepers hustle to keep up with the working bees by adding empty boxes underestimating how much equipment you need

Beekeeping Tips for April
Beekeeping Tips for April Bees are roaring, new bees are humming with orientation flights and Drones are on the hunt. This is when swarming is at an all time high.

Beekeeping Tips for March
Beekeeping Tips for March This is a critical time for starvation. The young bees are hatching daily and the size of the colony increases by hundreds if not thousands per